This Mini garden is all of 3’x3′ at the unused end of our dead end street. My neighbors (Ashley, 4 and Daisy, 8) and I planted tomato, zuchini, and corn seeds last week. Cleaning the weeds out of our space prior to planting could never be described as a work party. There was too much distraction and exploration. Look, I found an earthworm!. Look, a roly poly! What is this? Why is that?
Once the seeds were in the ground, every few hours, inpatient eyes were looking for sprouts. Children have a completely different experience of the passage of time. Finally, knowing that radish seeds sprout much very quickly, I bought some. Daisy and I planted them yesterday. Until they sprout, Daisy and Ashley are being satisfied by watching the apple blossoms turn from buds to open flowers.
– Rebecca Alder

Mini Community Garden