Hello from Sustainable Renton Community Farm!
We have been busy up here in the East Renton Highlands neighborhood! CelebrationChurch has been kind enough to give us access to about 3 acres of land to start a community effort towards growing food.

So, we have capitalized on the opportunity and we are off to an amazing start. We have 20 plots all sized 10’x 20’ with the plan of expanding the number of plots next season. What is different about our plots from other community gardens is that these plots are encouraged to be gardened year around with the same plot being assigned year after year. This concept lends itself to winter harvests which can be abundant here in the Pacific Northwest as well as perennial planting. There are only 3 plots left so if you or anyone you know might be interested in gardening here please let us know.
We are committed to organic practices and using only seeds from companies that have taken the Safe Seed Pledge.

We are also interested in exploring a variety of growing practices. Besides individual gardeners and the various growing methods displayed within each plot, we also have some Hugelkultur beds displayed as well. There is a demonstration of how companion planting can be the wonderful equation of 1+1=3 in our popcorn field, with beans and squash being planted in the same bed. This combination is known in the gardening world as the three sisters. The primary goal is to give back to the soil as it gives to us. It is an amazing adventure to learn to listen to the earth and work with it rather than dominate it and force it to do what we want it to.

If you are not interested in gardening but just want to come and get your hands dirty there is plenty of opportunity for that as well. We have planted 2 plots for the local REACH effort that has dedicated itself to feeding the hungry in our community every night of the week. They were so excited to hear that they will be receiving fresh produce from our farm.
Celebration Church has been a very gracious host and we are thankful for their giving spirit and their tireless dedication to helping our community.
Also, if you have any expertise that you would like to share with us and the community please contact us and we can put together a workshop for you.
If you would like to know more please contact:
Elizabeth Zwicker, Community Farm Liaison at linguisticnurse@gmail.com
Lara Randolph, Farm Manager at larar35@comcast.net
Chris Conkling, Sustainable Renton/President at sustainablerenton@gmail.com
We would love to have you.