I know its last minute, but if growing food in the winter has always sounded interesting but fear and doubt reigned heavier than a sense of adventure, now is the time to spread those proverbial gardening wings and attempt to fly!
Sustainable Renton Community Farm is holding a Winter Gardening Workshop on Monday, September 23rd at 5:30 pm. This workshop will be led by Cascadia Edible Landscapes. These folks are a small, local company located in the Skyway area and are offering winter veggie starts for those that show up. It would be great to have a good turn out for these folks; however, they offer these starts to anyone who contacts them. Their website is www.eatyouryard.com .
Some of the great things that can be grown in this area are most of the brassicas such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Mustards as well as many different greens such as kale, collards, chard and bok choy are also good choices. Many varieties of lettuce, spinach, onions and peas can also be grown. This comes as a relief because these crops are essentially the crops that have a tendency to bolt, with the exception of onions and peas, in the heat of summer. So come and check out Cascadia Edible Landscape’s collection and face those winter gardening fears this year.
Also, if you happened to miss our seed saving workshop with the Urban Food Warrior, Caitlin Moore, you will have another chance to meet her in January with our Plan Your Garden Workshop-details to come within the next month.
Also, there are four plots being used for pumpkin and squash beds, those plots will be coming available for new gardeners in the next months following the harvests. The price for a garden plot is $50 for a 12 month period.
There are already two people on the waiting list, so if you are interested, please contact Lara Randolph at larar35@comcast.net or Elizabeth Zwicker at linguisticnurse@gmail.com or Sustainable Renton at sustainablerenton@gmail.com
Happy gardening!