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Helping Hands


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Cameron Delfin

Thank you to Cameron Delfin for choosing Sustainable Renton as his speech topic for a special project at the Univeristy of Washington.

A Sustainability-Fueled Solution to Food Insecurity


In Washington state alone, nearly 700,000 people are facing hunger—and of them, almost 200,000 are children. According to Feeding America, this means that 1 in 11 people go hungry every day in Washington. This is unacceptable—food is central to life. Hunger is a curable social ill, yet many of those who are hungry cannot obtain a level of basic human maintenance. Food insecurity plagues our community, and because of it, we have neighbors that don’t know where their next meal is going to come from.


For our underprivileged neighbors, three meals a day is a luxury. How did we get to a place where it seems there is an abundance of food, yet so many go hungry? Unfortunately, in the society we live in, not everyone can count on having a job. People live in situations of precarity. Incomes are bound to fluctuate, and some families don’t know if they’ll have enough money to pay rent until days before it's due. For many, there is a crossroads in life where one direction means having food on the table for the month and the other direction means having a place to sleep every night—without the possibility of having both. Some folks can’t count on a set paycheck, and for them, figuring out where their next meal is going to come from is an everyday battle.


We can rewrite this narrative. For residents in the Renton Highlands and neighboring communities, Sustainable Renton helps close the gap between food surplus and families in need. This organization follows sustainable practices when sourcing food for its weekly food bank. Gleaning projects, community farms, and donations from local grocery stores are just a few places where Sustainable Renton gathers food to feed families. Every Monday, over fifty volunteers and thousands of pounds of food come together to meet the needs of more than 150 families. Sustainable Renton tackles two major issues at once: food waste and food insecurity. By solving one problem, they can solve the other—rather than tackling the two as independent beasts.


Because of this program, our neighbors have a consistent and reliable way to access food every single week—no questions asked. Food is going to places where it will get eaten rather than to waste. In this way, food waste and food insecurity are mitigated when integrated with each other. They are separate problems that can be solved by merging them together. Rather than worrying about where the next meal is going to come from, folks can begin to lift themselves out of hardship by focusing their attention on their kids, their jobs, and their lives.


In the end, it’s on us to do the work. Take charge while you can to assist your neighbors. Ultimately, this is our community. If you can, donate—no matter the amount. Sustainable Renton is a grassroots organization that thrives off the support of monetary donations. Alternatively, you can donate goods to the free grocery store. Not only does the food bank accept food, but they also accept hygiene products, flowers, and other items that can be distributed to patrons. Also, consider spreading the word. It’s easy to let people know about the incredible work Sustainable Renton does. You could be the one that helps someone discover a life-changing resource for themselves and their family. Sustainable Renton has distributed over two million pounds of food to nearly 43,000 neighbors. Finally, you are invited to donate your time. The free grocery store needs your help from 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. every Monday, and there are other opportunities throughout the week to volunteer your time as well. Think about all the moving parts required to make this operation happen. It’s individual volunteers that drive food from pickup locations, sort food, and distribute food to patrons. You can bolster the operation simply by giving your time, no matter how long or short that time may be.


For our neighbors in the Highlands and greater Renton area, food insecurity is a woe that no longer plagues their day-to-day thoughts. Our neighbors can focus on being there for their families. By taking action now, you can plant the seeds today for the benefit our community will reap tomorrow.

May 2023
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